Keeping Children Safe in Education – Key Community Languages
Safeguarding Statement
At William Davies Primary, staff and Governors are concerned that all aspects of school life are ‘fair’ and ‘safe’ for pupils, staff, parents, carers and visitors.
Safeguarding our children means adopting pro-active measures to ensure that all systems and structures within our school minimise the risk of harm to our pupils.
All those who come into contact with children and families in their everyday work, including people who do not have a specific role in relation to child protection, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Safeguarding is a standing item on the agenda for meetings of the governing body.
The Chair of Governors is the nominated link governor for both Safeguarding and Child Protection. The Headteacher regularly updates the Chair of Governors on matters relating to both issues.
A visit from the London Fire Brigade
Parents’ E-safety Workshop
Year 5 and 6 NSPCC Workshop
First Aid Training