Our school PTA aims to bring together parents, teachers and our local community to raise funds and to support our school.
Y1 & Reception’s Movie Night
Afternoon Tea
KS2 Movie Night
Our Constitution:
- Title
The Association shall be known as the William Davies Primary School Parent Teacher Association (often simply referred to as the PTA).
- Aims
The aims of the Association are to enrich the education and school experiences of the pupils of the school by bringing together the wider school community, running fundraising events and working with school staff.
- Membership
The Members of the Association shall comprise all parents or guardians of children attending the school (including nursery class) and staff employed at the school. PTA committee members will be appointed annually.
- PTA Committee
The PTA committee shall consist of:
– Chairperson
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Committee members
There will also be a minute taker at all PTA meetings.
Where a member of the Committee fails to attend regular meetings and does not play an active role in any of the activities of the Association, the committee reserves the right to ask the member to step down.
Meetings of the General Committee shall be held as required during term time. At all meetings of the Committee a third of General Committee Members, at least two, shall form a quorum. The committee will aim to meet once a month and more frequently if required for arrangements of events.
Each member of the committee shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority vote of those present. The Chairman shall have the deciding vote which shall be used only in the event of a tie.
- Annual General Meetings
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in June each year. The AGM will be advertised in the school newsletter and this is the responsibility of the secretary to organize.
The business shall include:-
- a) the work of the Committee
- b) approval of the Accounts for the preceding year
- c) election of members to serve on the Committee
- d) discussion of motions received
At all Annual General Meetings voting shall be on the basis of one vote per member present at the meeting.
At all Annual General Meetings the quorum shall consist of no less than 2 members of the Association.
Any member of the Association shall have the right to raise a motion to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting by sending the motion in writing to the Secretary by no later than 10 days prior to the AGM.
- Finance
Funds of the Association shall be lodged in a bank, building society or other account in the name of the Association. Cheques shall be drawn or withdrawals made against the signatures of two named Committee members.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of the financial transactions of the Association.
The Association’s financial year shall end on the last day of February in each year. The accounts shall be reviewed annually by an independent examiner appointed at the previous AGM by the members.
The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all property/money received by/for the Association shall be used in accordance with the aims of the Association.
- Alterations to the Constitution
Changes or additions must be made at an AGM or an EGM called for the purpose. The proposed change shall be specified in the notice calling the meeting and be approved by not less than two thirds of those present.
- Dissolution
If it becomes necessary to dissolve the Association, by reason of it being impossible to achieve the objectives for which the Association is set up, this decision must be made by no less than 4 members of the Association voting in person and one of these members must be the chair person.