At William Davies Primary, staff and governors are concerned that all aspects of school life are ‘fair’ and ‘safe’ for pupils, staff, parents, carers and visitors.
Safeguarding our children means adopting pro-active measures to ensure that all systems and structures within our school minimise the risk of harm to our pupils.
All those who come into contact with children and families in their everyday work, including people who do not have a specific role in relation to child protection, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Safeguarding is a standing item on the agenda for meetings of the Governing Body.
The Chair of Governors is the nominated link governor for both Safeguarding and Child Protection. The Headteacher regularly updates the Chair of Governors on matters relating to both issues.
The following policies are in place and designed to achieve a fair, safe and harmonious environment, in which children are kept safe from harm, understand that staff have their welfare and well-being at heart, and know that staff will always listen when they want to discuss a problem:-
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Looked After Children Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Behaviour Policy including –
- Physical Contact Policy
- Exclusion Policy [Local Authority]
- Complaints Policy [Local Authority]
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- Confidentiality Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Online Safety Policy
- Health and Safety Policy including critical incidents
- Intimate Care Policy
- The PSHE curriculum supports the education of children in safeguarding themselves.
The Governing Body monitors the school’s adherence to policies and procedures and reviews policies in line with the compliance calendar published by the Local Authority.
All policies and guidance apply to all staff, governors and volunteers working in school and are in place to ensure that:
- the school follows ‘safer recruitment’ with regard to checking the suitability of all staff and volunteers who work in school
- the school has a firmly embedded Safeguarding and Child Protection policy which is brought to the attention of staff initially as part of their induction to school, then via further CPD provision, including developing a clear understanding of procedures for identifying and reporting cases of suspected abuse and the provision of subsequent support for these children.
- the school provides a safe environment in which children thrive and develop. The headteacher is the designated member of staff for Health and Safety throughout the school.
- There are seven members of staff qualified in First Aid.
- The school follows guidance from ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ DfE September 2023.
- Ambreen Akhtar and Sally Norris are the designated Child Protection Officers.
- LADO 0203-373- 3803 Nick Pratt
The school has developed sound policies and procedures, seeks to maintain good relationships with parent/carers and has the support and guidance of the appropriate LA services. The school has procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against members of staff and volunteers. The Chair of Governors is the designated governor to lead and liaise with the Local Authority regarding allegations against the Headteacher.
Safer Recruitment
All school staff and those working in school on a voluntary basis are subject to Safer Recruitment Procedures. The school ensures that all appropriate checks are carried out on all staff and volunteers.
Staff induction includes the following:
- Code of Conduct and staff handbook
- Standards of behaviour
- Duty of care
- Teaching and Learning Policy
- Staff Handbook
- EYFS Handbook (if relevant)
- Any PEEPs that may be relevant to the inductee
- Acceptable use policy (GDPR)
- Privacy Notice (GDPR)
- Union
- Probationary period (2&5 month meeting with HT)
- Appraisal process
- Introduce to mentor
- Building orientation
- Safeguard Software
- Online safety, phones, social media
- Check with inductee email can be accessed
- Merits and award system – golden rules
- Hours of the school day
- Explain duties rota
- Google Drive and Google Calendar
- Location of fire exits and meeting points
- Site Superviser’s Communication book
- Appraisal Process
- Growth Mindset
- Learning Powers
- First Aid procedures
- Roles and Responsibilities list
- Dates for year
- Absence procedures
- CPD after school
- Library as necessary
- Lunchtime arrangements
- Make aware of policy folder on google drive (Health and Safety)
- Data Hubs
- English – policy and on a page
- Assessment – policy and on a page
- Reflection sheets
- Feedback – practice and on a page
- Discover Journals
- Planning expectations
- Parents’ meetings
- Homework
- Library